Ground Beef, 1 lb. package
Famous in a small town? It's okay if you're not..... but our ground beef sure is! Ground from our own grass-fed brahman steers, this is the perfect start for any recipe. Our ground beef is unique because it packs a rich steak flavor, the trimmings that have been aged for 14 days are ground up resulting in a juicy and bursting with flavor ground beef. Our ground beef is an 80/20 mix. This makes it perfect for juicy burgers on the grill, grandma's famous meatloaf, or tacos on Taco Tuesday! The possibilities are endless.
-Brahman beef, aged 14 days for extra tenderness
-Grain finished with good marbling to add flavor and juiciness
-Frozen and individually packaged 1 pound packages for convenience and safety
-Hand cut
*** If you are shipping your beef, please note that we can only ship 10 pounds of ground beef per box due to shipping restrictions. If you’d like to order more than 10 pounds, you can make a 2nd or 3rd order. There is no limit for local pickups.
Some images courtesy of Beef. It's What's for Dinner.